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Diversity Diversity in personnel selection

by Andre published 8 months ago

The promotion of diversity in the workplace has become increasingly important in recent years. Companies are recognizing the benefits of a diverse workforce that brings different perspectives and experiences to the table. If you read the job advertisements, the gender-neutral and non-discriminatory wording is particularly striking. Formulations such as specialist or specialist (m/f/d) or (all) indicate that every person should feel addressed. However, the topic seems to be limited to gendering. But diversity goes much further than some people think.

A part of diversity

Gendering is part of promoting diversity in the workplace and refers to the process of adapting language and social structures to promote gender diversity and avoid discrimination based on gender. In recent years, laws and policies have been enacted to promote gender equality. These can range from quotas for women in management positions to laws against gender discrimination.

Age discrimination

An often overlooked but equally important dimension of diversity is age. Age diversity in the workplace refers to the variety of age groups in a workforce and is a growing issue. Many companies look for younger employees on the assumption that a younger person is automatically more capable, mentally agile and easier to manage. Automated, electronic recruitment platforms, which are often used by companies, reinforce this stereotype. They make us forget that age diversity in the workplace is not only an ethical imperative, but also a strategic advantage. Companies that respect and utilize generational diversity are better positioned, more successful and better able to meet the challenges of modern working life. A mixed-age workforce helps to create a dynamic and future-oriented corporate culture.

Behavioral diversity in the workplace

Completely ignored and overlooked by many is behavioral diversity in the workplace. This refers to the different behaviors and personality types that people bring to the workplace. Extroverts are often preferred for management positions and in sales jobs, in the belief that they automatically perform better than introverts and therefore perform better. From a scientific point of view, this is not tenable.

Use of personnel diagnostics

The use of personnel diagnostics enables those responsible in companies to develop a deeper understanding of the diverse behaviors of employees. This not only promotes the appreciation of individual differences, but also enables better teamwork and collaboration. Employees can better access their strengths and weaknesses and develop their ways of acting in order to work more efficiently and effectively.