Making the world a better place through unveiling potential.

Reliably find and retain the most suitable and developing talents.

More about us

Soft Skills Analytics and AI-
supported aptitude diagnostics,
scientifically based.

Driven by technological change in the world of work, the relevance
of soft skills is increasing rapidly. We want to do justice to the
importance of soft skills and have rethought the recruitment process.
Rethinking the process enables fully automated and
competency-based matching.

The culture in the company makes the decisive difference in
the competition for the best talent. A strong corporate culture
is created through the interplay of desired actions and clear
values. High employee satisfaction can only arise if the
individual soft skills match the
corporate culture.

high fluctuation

Up to 33% of all employment relationships are terminated within the first year of employment. Half of them during the probationary period. In most industries and regions, the fluctuation rate is far above the recommended value.
Sources: BFS_Berufliche-Mobilität, IWD_Bericht

Increasing Absenteeism

By 48% has increased Absenteeism due to emotional exhaustion, stress and burnout. Well over half of all mentally-related
work incapacities are caused by conflicts in the
Sources: DAK-Psychrepport_2023, Swica-Studie_2022


54% of employees are dissatisfied with their current job situation. One in five employees is ready for a change. A meaningful job is just as important as money.
Sources: PwC-Schweiz-Survey-2022, TA-Gallup-2024

Corporate Culture

70% of companies consider their cultural transformation to be unsuccessful. The soft skills of managers and employees have a significant influence on corporate culture..
Sources: McKinsey_Transformations-Failure, Why-Culture-Matters

Our Team

360-Talents combines cutting-edge technology with psychological and sociological expertise to enable a holistic assessment of applicants.