The Art of More Objective Decision-Making

The Role of Opinion in Personnel Selection

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A high level of responsibility

The analysis of application documents and the conduct of interviews are among the most frequently used tools that companies use in the recruitment process. The responsibility is great, as personnel decisions have a significant impact on the productivity and success of a company. But how do those responsible make these decisions? Do those responsible tend to believe their personal opinion when making decisions or do they prefer to rely on well-founded facts?

Distinction between opinion and facts

Opinions are subjective beliefs based on personal experiences and one's own values. Often influenced by emotions, these vary from person to person. Facts, on the other hand, are objective information that can be proven. They are independent of personal opinions.

The Role of Opinions in Personnel Selection

The opinion of those responsible plays an essential role in various phases of the recruitment process: starting with the evaluation of CVs and applications, interviews, obtaining references and recommendations, and assessing suitability, team fit and fit with the company culture. Those responsible tend to interpret information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs and preferences.

(Source: Kanning, U. P., & Varelmann, L. (2020). Confirmation Bias in der Bewertung von Personalauswahlmethoden. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 22(3), 123-134)

The Importance of Facts in Personnel Selection

Subjective assessments help to paint a more comprehensive picture of an applicant. However, they should not be the main basis for decisions in the various stages of the selection process. Instead, facts and objective criteria should play the main role. Companies minimize prejudice and discrimination, help ensure diversity and make personnel decisions on a broader and fairer basis.

(Quelle: Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit und Diversity. (2018). Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Diversity in der Personalgewinnung und -entwicklung. Springer Gabler)

Critical attitude towards one's own opinion

When selecting personnel, it is important to critically question one's own opinion in order not to overshadow objective facts. Personal opinions about a person's suitability often lead to prejudices and stereotypes. A critical attitude towards one's own opinion helps those responsible to make more objective decisions and thus increase the quality of the decisions.

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