We want to contribute to a better and more humane working world in which soft skills rather than personality traits are the focus.
Personality traits have the unpleasant trait of unclear meaning and are difficult to measure objectively. The focus on soft skills underlines what recruiting is all about: recognizing individual potential, future collaboration and development - not prefabricated templates. An inspiring approach that will positively shape the future of work.
The services of 360-Talents represent a paradigm shift in the field of personnel selection and diagnostics. In order to enable the systematic recording of formal qualifications and soft skills in recruitment processes, 360-Talents has developed a groundbreaking innovation: The application is the first scientifically tested system that analyzes the values and actions of applicants, derives soft skills from them and, supported by AI, compares them with the requirements of the company through automated, competency-based matching.
Are you joining us in driving change in recruiting? Together we can make recruiting more efficient, more reliable and more human - for companies with the best teams, for the best talent and for the most human working world of tomorrow. We wish you a year full of success, inspiring encounters and the joy of making positive changes to the world of work!
360-Talents ermöglicht Soft Skills Analysen und KI gestütze Eignungsdiagnostik. Interesse? Registriere Dich oder nimm Kontakt mit uns auf.