No “Monday blues”

Sunday evening is an honest indicator of whether the culture is working or just a facade.

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Common basis

Corporate culture is not a mission statement on the website or a poster in the hallway. It is reflected in what your employees feel. The term "culture" describes the HOW of collaboration and essentially refers to lived values ​​and concrete actions in practice. Culture and soft skills therefore share the same basis. Because soft skills also refer to values ​​and actions in practice.

Culture shapes togetherness and collaboration

The abstract concept of "culture" is brought to life through lived values ​​and concrete actions in practice by employees, especially by superiors. "Culture" shapes togetherness and collaboration significantly. Soft skills of individuals play a central role in this. Contradictions between the lived "culture", especially of superiors, and soft skills of individuals lead to misunderstandings. Problems in the employment relationship are unavoidable:

The gradual increase in absenteeism

The increase in absenteeism due to emotional exhaustion, stress, burnout is 48%. Well over half of all psychologically-related work incapacities are triggered by conflicts in the workplace. (Quellen: DAK-Psychrepport_2023, Swica-Studie_2022)

The culture is the sum

The "culture" in the team, the leadership culture or the culture as a whole, results from the sum of values ​​and the concrete actions of individual employees in practice and has a lasting influence on employer branding. "Culture fit" is essential when recruiting. If the values ​​and actions of new employees match the lived "culture", they are not only more productive and satisfied, but also positively reinforce the lived togetherness and collaboration.

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