Corporate culture is not a mission statement on the website or a poster in the hallway. It is reflected in what your employees feel. The term "culture" describes the HOW of collaboration and essentially refers to lived values and concrete actions in practice. Culture and soft skills therefore share the same basis. Because soft skills also refer to values and actions in practice.
The abstract concept of "culture" is brought to life through lived values and concrete actions in practice by employees, especially by superiors. "Culture" shapes togetherness and collaboration significantly. Soft skills of individuals play a central role in this. Contradictions between the lived "culture", especially of superiors, and soft skills of individuals lead to misunderstandings. Problems in the employment relationship are unavoidable:
The increase in absenteeism due to emotional exhaustion, stress, burnout is 48%. Well over half of all psychologically-related work incapacities are triggered by conflicts in the workplace. (Quellen: DAK-Psychrepport_2023, Swica-Studie_2022)
The "culture" in the team, the leadership culture or the culture as a whole, results from the sum of values and the concrete actions of individual employees in practice and has a lasting influence on employer branding. "Culture fit" is essential when recruiting. If the values and actions of new employees match the lived "culture", they are not only more productive and satisfied, but also positively reinforce the lived togetherness and collaboration.
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