Using 360-degree feedback in recruitment?

There is no alternative to the application and recruitment processes used today

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Self-praise is systemic

If you believe the application documents, every candidate is a team player, flexible, resilient and every manager leads cooperatively. The supporting documents can be found in the self-formulated application documents. In preparation for the job interview, impressive examples of self-assembled reality or imagination are at hand. Unfortunately, even work references are hardly more meaningful than self-praise. Legal requirements and the goodwill of former employers make this possible. In fact, there seems to be no alternative to the exclusively positive presentation of candidates and is therefore due to the nature of the application process.

360 degree feedback method

Is there really no alternative to today's way of applying? A good way to make substantially more reliable statements about the actions of employees is to use the 360-degree feedback method. The 360-degree feedback method is often used by companies to assess or assess the competencies of specialists and managers from different perspectives. By using a self-assessment and the simultaneous external assessment of reference persons from different perspectives, a significantly higher level of objectivity and reliability (validity and reliability) is achieved. The comparison of self-image and image of others results in a very realistic assessment of the feedback recipient's actions. Strengths and development potential can also be derived from the analysis, and concrete and practical learning and improvement opportunities can be derived.

Multiple perspectives result in a complete picture

One of the main arguments in favour of using 360-degree feedback in the context of personnel recruitment is the diversity of perspectives. While a candidate can only assess their own actions subjectively, current or former work colleagues, customers, supervisors and subordinates describe in a practical way how the person works in a team from an external perspective and acts in daily interactions.

How does that work?

360-Talents offers customers an application management tool (ATS) that includes soft skills analysis and AI-based aptitude diagnostics. If potential employees are interested in an open position, they carry out a soft skills analysis as part of the application. This consists of carrying out an electronic survey in the sense of a self-assessment. The candidate then appoints 1 to 4 reference persons in order to obtain additional external assessments. The AI used uses this data to find the most suitable and developable talent.

Significant increase in efficiency

The 360 Talents approach is based on the assumption that soft skills have a decisive influence on successful integration into teams and work culture. Aptitude is determined with 360 Talents even before a personal interview is decided, without any effort required for selection on the part of the company. This method results in a significant reduction in recruitment costs while increasing the accuracy of fit. The use of artificial intelligence AI in recruiting plays an important role in this. In order to minimize risks, 360-Talents uses AI to support and not based on it. The results are therefore transparent, comprehensible and verifiable for those responsible at any time.

Wikipedia: 360° feedback