The world of work is facing profound changes. Demographic developments, changing values, data and rapidly advancing digitalization play a central role in shaping the future of recruiting. According to the results of the "HR Trends Report 2025" survey, almost three quarters of companies say they carry out in-depth data analyses, but only half implement the findings to derive concrete measures. There is a lot of untapped potential here - especially in the area of recruiting and skill-based hiring.
A report by PwC predicts that 20 to 30% of jobs will be lost due to digitization and automation in the next 5 to 10 years. At the same time, only about one in eight companies feels prepared for this change. This gap shows how urgently companies need data-driven strategies to identify talent with the future skills they need in this new world of work. Skill-based hiring is therefore of great importance: It shifts the focus away from traditional CV data and towards an assessment of skills that are essential for digital transformation and new work. Innovative technologies help companies to use data in a targeted manner to identify talent based on their skills and potential.
In addition to digitalization, demographic change is bringing about a profound change in values in the world of work. An ageing workforce and a shortage of skilled workers require a rethink in recruiting: it is no longer enough to select candidates based on rigid qualification requirements. Instead, companies must be flexible in their focus on potential and development opportunities. Younger generations are focusing on other values, while at the same time individual development opportunities and the meaningfulness of work are becoming more important. For companies, this means that not only technical skills, but also the analysis and consideration of value orientation, cultural fit and soft skills play a decisive role in recruiting.
Quelle: Graubündner Kantonalbank
An important point when working with data is its structure and accessibility. The University of Zurich has defined the FAIR principles in its guidelines for digital data. These principles are also essential in recruiting: data on candidates, skills and labor market trends must be prepared in such a way that they are easily accessible and usable. Technologies that follow these guidelines ensure that data is not only collected, but can also be actively used to make decisions.
Quelle: Uni ZH - Wie mache ich Daten FAIR?
The combination of data-driven analysis, skill-based hiring and future skills is the key to mastering the challenges of the future. Companies that proactively implement these approaches will:
- significantly reduce their recruitment effort
- reliably identify the most suitable applicants
- easily identify talent with potential for development
- be able to better manage leadership, team and corporate culture
In 2025, working with data will no longer be just a trend, but a must. Applying data-driven approaches and considering the FAIR principles can help companies find the right talent for tomorrow's challenges and make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalization and automation.
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