Corporate Values and Employer Branding

How to put the abstract into practice

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From individual mindset to corporate culture as a whole

The working world is developing dynamically and becoming more complex, hierarchies in companies flatter, teams and employees more self-organized. The shortage of skilled workers remains a serious problem in many industries. In the competition for the best specialists and managers, an independent culture in companies plays a decisive role. Corporate culture is considered to be at the heart of a successful organization. The culture in teams and throughout the company is decisively influenced by the mindset of individual managers and employees.

Values are the basis

The mindset refers to a person's inner attitude. The inner attitude is the sum of values. Values are deeply rooted beliefs and describe what is important to a person. Values determine a person's actions. Actions are the targeted implementation and the visible result of motivation. In companies, values form the basis of culture. The company values define which actions are intended to achieve specific goals and are an important part of employer branding.

Culture is an abstract concept

Studies show that 70% of companies have difficulties successfully managing their cultural transformation. Mission statements in companies and formulated values may represent a complex issue in just a few words, but the real challenge is putting them into practice.

The question of agreement

Corporate values give a company an identity and make the decisive difference in the competition for the best specialists and managers. Good pay and benefits play a role in the decision, but potential talents want to know above all whether their values match the principles of the company, the team and the manager. When new specialists and managers share the same values, this significantly simplifies the practical implementation of the abstract concept, such as the desired culture.

The role of aptitude diagnostics

Ideally, the mindset of the newly hired specialists and managers is in line with the culture of the team and the company right from the start. However, values and thus a person's mindset can also be developed. The prerequisite for this is a common understanding of development potential. Personnel decisions and the development of soft skills should not be a question of one's own opinion. The expression of subjective opinions has considerable potential for conflict in connection with soft skills. Well-intentioned feedback can quickly make employees feel attacked and hurt. Here, personnel diagnostics make an important contribution to creating facts that are as objective as possible, not judgemental, but descriptive.

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