When Active Sourcing Destroys Employer Branding

Questionable Active Sourcing Strategies

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The company's reputation is at stake

Companies hit by a shortage of workers often resort to questionable active sourcing strategies. The company's image is often creatively cobbled together - with little regard for the truth. Applicants are lured with exaggerated promises. However, companies risk their reputation in doing so.

How not to do it

If a desired image is created at a desk, then colorful pictures and high-quality videos of entire teams are produced that radiate peace, joy and happiness but have nothing to do with reality, and in the end potential employees are seduced with false promises, the working relationship will most likely be neither particularly productive nor sustainable. Read more about this in the Kolumne von Uwe P. Prof. Dr. Kanning, Wirtschaftspsychologe at Hochschule Osnabrück

Recruiting talents with strong employer branding

The employer brand makes the decisive difference in the competition for the best specialists and managers. It is about emphasizing the strengths of an employer but not hiding the challenges. The company values ​​should not only be on the website, but also lived within the company. Today, talented people are not just looking for a job, but also a cultural fit. It all starts with the user experience as an applicant. Companies should make the application process as transparent as possible and continuously provide information about the current status in order to build trust.

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